(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5)
gmp_divexact — Exact division of numbers
Divides n by d, using fast "exact division" algorithm. This function produces correct results only when it is known in advance that d divides n.
The number being divided.
可以是一个 GMP 数据 resouce,或一个可以转换为数值的字符串。
The number that a is being divided by.
可以是一个 GMP 数据 resouce,或一个可以转换为数值的字符串。
GMP 数值资源.
Example #1 gmp_divexact() example 以上例程会输出:
$div1 = gmp_divexact("10", "2");
echo gmp_strval($div1) . "
$div2 = gmp_divexact("10", "3"); // bogus result
echo gmp_strval($div2) . "