Informix函数列表 ifxus_close_slob - Deletes the slob object ifxus_create_slob - Creates an slob object and opens it ifxus_free_slob - Deletes the slob object ifxus_open_slob - Opens an slob object ifxus_read_slob - Reads nbytes of the slob object ifxus_seek_slob - Sets the current file or seek position ifxus_tell_slob - Returns the current file or seek position ifxus_write_slob - Writes a string into the slob object ifx_affected_rows - Get number of rows affected by a query ifx_blobinfile_mode - Set the default blob mode for all select queries ifx_byteasvarchar - Set the default byte mode ifx_close - Close Informix connection ifx_connect - Open Informix server connection ifx_copy_blob - Duplicates the given blob object ifx_create_blob - Creates an blob object ifx_create_char - Creates an char object ifx_do - Execute a previously prepared SQL-statement ifx_error - Returns error code of last Informix call ifx_errormsg - Returns error message of last Informix call ifx_fetch_row - Get row as an associative array ifx_fieldproperties - List of SQL fieldproperties ifx_fieldtypes - List of Informix SQL fields ifx_free_blob - Deletes the blob object ifx_free_char - Deletes the char object ifx_free_result - Releases resources for the query ifx_getsqlca - Get the contents of sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] after a query ifx_get_blob - Return the content of a blob object ifx_get_char - Return the content of the char object ifx_htmltbl_result - Formats all rows of a query into a HTML table ifx_nullformat - Sets the default return value on a fetch row ifx_num_fields - Returns the number of columns in the query ifx_num_rows - Count the rows already fetched from a query ifx_pconnect - Open persistent Informix connection ifx_prepare - Prepare an SQL-statement for execution ifx_query - Send Informix query ifx_textasvarchar - Set the default text mode ifx_update_blob - Updates the content of the blob object ifx_update_char - Updates the content of the char object ifxus_close_slob ifxus_create_slob ifxus_free_slob ifxus_open_slob ifxus_read_slob ifxus_seek_slob ifxus_tell_slob ifxus_write_slob ifx_affected_rows ifx_blobinfile_mode ifx_byteasvarchar ifx_close ifx_connect ifx_copy_blob ifx_create_blob ifx_create_char ifx_do ifx_error ifx_errormsg ifx_fetch_row ifx_fieldproperties ifx_fieldtypes ifx_free_blob ifx_free_char ifx_free_result ifx_getsqlca ifx_get_blob ifx_get_char ifx_htmltbl_result ifx_nullformat ifx_num_fields ifx_num_rows ifx_pconnect ifx_prepare ifx_query ifx_textasvarchar ifx_update_blob ifx_update_char PHP MySQL HTML CSS JavaScript MSSQL AJAX .NET JSP Linux Mac ASP 服务器 SQL jQuery C# C++ java Android IOS oracle MongoDB SQLite wamp 交通频道